Sunday, April 24, 2011

Week One---Check

Oh man, where to begin. I am lying in room 922, in a sleep number bed at 11:00 pm California time, this is the final hour of week one, and can I tell you, I am ready for week two! This week was complete, I died, I survived, I ate a LOT, I drank A LOT...of water that is, H20 is all that this chick is getting in these days, I cried and I laughed so hard I snorted. I met new people, heard the same dialogue in at least 10 languages, I found peace in moments of stillness randomly and spontaneously, and I missed the comfort of being myself at home.
So what can I tell you about the first week at Bikram Yoga Teacher Training. It is amazing, the most amazing experience of my life. I think this is mostly, because each day at different moments of class the same thought drifts into my mind. "Wow! I am here, I did this! I am so proud of who I am and what I have been able to do for myself!" This thought, this cloud passing quickly on windy day, keeps me strong and allows me to see myself 9 weeks from now, 9 months from now, 9 years from now. I know that I have taken a step into the unknown to better my life, and because I have done it with love in my heart that I am sure to continue on the happy path I have been following for the past 2 years!
Day's here drift into night, which drift into tomorrow's which end with a final savanasana. Class is hard, but it is powerful and I feel strong, meeting new people is hard and I feel like I am in college again, but wow! so many amazing personalities and pieces of knowledge are filling floors 7, 8 and 9 of the Radisson Hotel LAX. I feel so lucky to be here, that is really the gist of what I can tell you about week one. I feel happy and I feel lucky. It is amazing how everything slowly seeps to the surface, we are detoxing here, flushing out all the impurities in our lives and those things that stand in our way, our insecurities and vices are only starting to come to the surface. What a beautiful thing, and we have 430 people in one room feeling a version of the same thing. So tomorrow begins week two. It is sure to be hot, and it is sure to be exhausting, but I am ready! See you next Sunday for a weekly update!

Ok ok and I'll give you some of the dirt:
Bikram is funny! Let him make you laugh...
Living in a hotel room = a kitchen in the bathroom (aka boiling sweet potatoes while you shower), dental floss becomes a clothes line, a bed becomes a kitchen table, or maybe an ironing board does, to say "it feels good to get out" might just mean, sitting in the hallway out side room 922 listening to live tunes, chatting with neighbors and showing off yogi strength
Sleep: Yogi's don't sleep--- they just nap for a few hours in the wee hours of the morning
Bollywood movies-- are funny and extremely long
Water is divine, beds divine, cozy socks from home in a 6 hour lecture DIVINE (thanks Alex)
Final Savasana is HARD
And the truth: I'm not a real yogi yet so Peace, I'm outta here, I gots to SLEEEP, 6:45 wake up call!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Good Byes...

So it's started... I'm officially packed. My huge suitcase is stuffed to it's max and the bad news is, Alex is not in it, Stella...nope, Violet...she couldn't fit. I leave in 3 days, Sunday marks the beginning of my journey, but to be honest with you I think the hard part is over. Saying goodbye to Norristown High School, my students and my friends made for a lot of mixed emotions, but saying goodbye to Alex, made for only one. The tears just can't stop coming. I am so unbelievably grateful to have made a life for myself that is comprised of a man and a home that will support me and encourage me and wait for me while I work towards fulfilling my dreams, but I don't want to go. Hahahah just kidding of course...well kinda. Life is so good, I love being home, cuddling with my man and my puppies, cooking amazing dinners, going for long walks, laughing until it hurts and just being. I am going to miss that so incredibly much...the good news of course, this is only two months!

To leave what you are used to and comfortable with is a challenge. Don't ever think it isn't. I think about my sister, who has left the world she knew to live across the ocean with the man that she loves, I can't imagine how difficult it must be for her to miss her family, but she is doing what is best for her, same with Zena, my loves' brother's girl, who has recently packed up her life, jumped ponds and joined Gregory in New York. Leaving your comfort is hard, but living with out adventure and dreams is harder. I can't imagine not doing this for myself, and I am so proud that in 3 days, I will board a plane and join 440 other people who are taking a risk and diving right into a new life!

So anyway....suit case is packed....I've got yoga shorts and tops galore, a kettle, enough sweatpants and yoga pants to last a life time, three pairs of jeans, several dresses (one reserved for my sisters' wedding shower...Yey I get to come home for a night!!!!) pictures of home, tiger balm, water bottles, yoga matts, slippers, my blanky, a computer, camera, cell phone and chargers and anything else I could fit! The next few days will involve picking up some final items, a yoga class (probably just one, I'm taking it easy!) and a day of pure pampering...massage and hair cut. Man...I miss home already!!!!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Final Countdown...

Well, I got my suitcase, it's not packed, but it IS sitting in my living room waiting to be filled with kitchen appliences, yogini clothes, notebooks, bathingsuits, a puppy or two and possibly my favorite man...oh wait. In just a few short days, I am leaving my very comfortable and very happy life in West Philadelphia for 9 weeks to meditate, concentrate and become a better version of myself, unfortantely my two precious puppies and my adorable boyfriend have to stay home and make sure I have a comfy bed to crash in on June 21! A little over two years ago I committed myself to health and happiness and in my quest I found Bikram Yoga. The love affair was instant. Bikram Yoga has brought me peace, it has brought me health (stronger bones YEY!) and most luckily, it has brought me the love of my life! Now, with the love and support of friends and family, I'm dedicating myself to Bikram's 9 week boot camp so that I can share my knowledge and peace with others. For now, I can only share my expierence. This is my journey! Countdown: 7 days until I say good bye to My Love... 8 days until I say good bye to My home... 12 days until I say good bye to the East Coast... You can read all about Bikram Yoga and the training at!!!!